Breakthroughs in Renewable Energy Promise Near-Complete Fossil Fuel Replacement (

UK Perfectly Capable of Green Energy Revolution

The National Grid website says, “On 15 May 2023 the UK produced its trillionth kilowatt hour (kWh) of electricity generated from renewable sources – enough to power UK homes for 12 years based on average consumption.”

Potential for Power Export

A report by the UK Business Council for Sustainable Development said: “Britain’s potential to generate huge amounts of clean energy would turn the UK from a net importer of energy to one exporting “vast amounts” of clean power, worth £17bn a year, to mainland Europe.”

Africa Could Be Perfect

There’s genuine optimism that renewable energy could be the key to lifting much of Africa out of poverty. With huge areas of land, lots of sunshine, and plenty of wind potential, much of Africa could be energy-rich within a decade.

With Energy Comes Opportunity

If Africa could become self-reliant in its energy production, it could export power and use the power it generates to build manufacturing capacity. With a large workforce, lots of land, and abundant energy, it could be an economic powerhouse within a couple of generations.