Posts Tagged Renewable energy

Can You Run a Diesel Generator on Cooking Oil: A Comprehensive Guide

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The first photovoltaic highway in history: you can drive at 155 mph and recharge your car this makes a lot of sense. Should also do it rail tracks and stations. Even airports should be covering dead spaces with solar. There is 100% solar powered airports already in india and after 50 years plus od speed limits staying around 70mph, we need to automate and increase that towards 200mph to save […]

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Free energy at home! 3 DIY solar panel projects | Watch (

Free energy at home! 3 DIY solar panel projects | Watch ( Unleash the power of the sun! ??This video unleashes 3 incredible DIY projects to harness solar energy for your home! From soda cans to sizzling hot showers, discover innovative ways to generate free power and reduce your carbon footprint. Get ready to be […]

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Solar Energy

Enough sunlight hits The Earth in one hour to satisfy The world’s energy needs for an entire year. But less than 5% of our electricity comes from solar power.

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Breakthroughs in Renewable Energy Promise Near-Complete Fossil Fuel Replacement (

Breakthroughs in Renewable Energy Promise Near-Complete Fossil Fuel Replacement ( UK Perfectly Capable of Green Energy Revolution The National Grid website says, “On 15 May 2023 the UK produced its trillionth kilowatt hour (kWh) of electricity generated from renewable sources – enough to power UK homes for 12 years based on average consumption.” Potential for […]

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How ‘world-changing’ solar tech could mean the death of batteries Harvesting energy from any light source – even a candle – a new generation of ultra-durable and flexible solar cells means devices never need charging. ‘Our grandchildren will laugh that we had cables,’ one industry pioneer tells Anthony Cuthbertson

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Volkswagen Group Africa Adds 3 MW Solar PV Carport At Its Kariega Car Factory

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Octopus Energy announces ‘zero bills’ for thousands of customers ‘for ten years’ octopus energy working with Perenna bank to offer discount on mortgages may work with loans for renewable energy at home too.

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The Carbon Brief Interview: Octopus Energy’s Greg Jackson 

On misinformation in the media: “I think some of it is organised and some of it is cultural…EVs have taken 1.8m barrels of oil off the road per day. That’s enough that the global oil industry is suddenly seeing what used to look like a minor inconvenience in the future is suddenly a real and […]

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Induction stoves can be a total game-changer in the kitchen — and these ultra-efficient gadgets prove it

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“World first” trial with CCS could open up vehicle-to-everything technology to all EVs

According to Kaluza’s data, if all vehicles in the UK today were electric and V2X-enabled they could displace 60% of all gas backup generation currently active in the UK.

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Study answers common question about impact of heat pumps: ‘It’s better to switch now rather than later’

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An energy company that pays you to use energy

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