buy used bus for £10k – 5k to ship to ghana, ev range extender £15k = £35k per bus – 50 passenger capacity min.
Route 1 – Kasoa – Kaneshie (22km)
(similar to )
3 trips peak, 4 trips off peak, 3 trips evening off peak, 4 trips evening off peak
peak 5am – 10am – 3 trips – 50 passengers
off peak 10am – 3pm – 4 trips – 20 passengers
evening peak 3pm to 7pm – 3 trips – 50 passengers
evening off peak 7pm to 10pm – 4 trips – 15 passengers
daily fares monday – friday 440 passengers
Target fare (2024) – 12 cedis each trip = 5280 cedis revenue daily * 5 = 26400 cedis a week = £1400 a week revenue
Hoping for costs of 50% = £700 a week
Hoping financing of no more than £700 a month
Hoping for net profit of about £500 a month per bus, aim for 25 buses over 3 years = £12500 a month