Eventually, and sooner than we think, the effects of our fossil fuel driven society will make themselves felt in ways that we can scarcely imagine. Our palatial homes will become uninhabitable and worthless. Economies will collapse. Nations will fail. And we will be left to wonder how we never saw this coming. Research like this recent study from the University of Sheffield offers possible solutions if we are willing to act on the results, but chances are we won’t. By the time we do, it will be much too late. The inability of humans to see the future and take appropriate steps to limit the damage done by our own actions will be our undoing. Other species have disappeared from the face of the Earth and there is no guarantee that humans won’t be next. The Earth won’t care. New species will arise to take our place, and the planet will continue its journey around the sun without us. We would not listen, we’re not listening still. Perhaps we never will?