Archive for June, 2024

The man behind the largest SOILLESS FARM in Nigeria


Solar Energy

Enough sunlight hits The Earth in one hour to satisfy The world’s energy needs for an entire year. But less than 5% of our electricity comes from solar power.

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The Seaham company looking to revolutionise global solar power and help tackle climate change (

The Seaham company looking to revolutionise global solar power and help tackle climate change ( Power Roll CEO Neil Spann and chief manufacturing officer Ross Nagle discuss and showcase the benefits of the company’s solar panels. They are claiming cheaper rollerable solar panels that can be on more surfaces

Breakthroughs in Renewable Energy Promise Near-Complete Fossil Fuel Replacement (

Breakthroughs in Renewable Energy Promise Near-Complete Fossil Fuel Replacement ( UK Perfectly Capable of Green Energy Revolution The National Grid website says, “On 15 May 2023 the UK produced its trillionth kilowatt hour (kWh) of electricity generated from renewable sources – enough to power UK homes for 12 years based on average consumption.” Potential for […]

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Scientists claim PV systems combined with thermoelectric cooling may achieve 6-year payback time

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Vodafone (FTTP) Router Replacement research

BMW i3 60Ah REX v 94Ah v 120Ah maximum range test. Driven until they die convoy comparison…

When I do need a second car, one of these versions will be a strong contender


How much it really costs to build a house from scratch (

How much it really costs to build a house from scratch (
