Xenograss – Interesting bamboo like plant From the comments: @anthonyburke5656 2025-01-13Why would you use this instead of one of the tailored Sudan Grasses (Sorghum) which can be bred to just about any climate and any use?
Posts Tagged Farming
Building composts that looks like UK bins might a good idea
Compost Wheelie Bin Hot Water A compost shaped like a wheelie bin sounds like a good idea
Using waste vegetable oil – there are 3 ways to make it Option 3 seems easier and quicker. All these options will need to checked – not all diesel cars / generators will work with this option – will need to try it out on a machine you are willing to risk on.
https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/technology/indian-engineer-makes-carbon-negative-bricks/vi-AA1sTPaD GreenJams is probably the world’s first construction materials manufacturer to make carbon-negative building brick—Agrocrete—made of crop residues and industrial by-products.
https://www.thebrighterside.news/post/innovative-new-process-makes-hydrogen-from-solar-power-and-agricultural-waste The UIC team’s method leverages a carbon-rich material known as biochar to reduce the electricity needed for water electrolysis—the process of splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen. By using renewable energy sources such as solar power or wind and capturing byproducts for other uses, this approach can effectively bring greenhouse gas emissions down to […]
Mini Biogas Digester Project
Nov 11
Above Video is an even simpler setup. will use the above method first. Mini Biogas Digester Project Photo Gallery http://bio-gas-plant.blogspot.com/2012/01/mini-biogas-digester-project-photo.html Potential Equipment: https://www.amazon.co.uk/BRTNUP-Collapsible-Container-Camping-Portable/dp/B0D2NXTJ7Q/ref=sr_1_42 – 20 litre portable water container as the gas storage tank – £4.99 To consider for later Biogas Tanks (Balloons): https://www.alibaba.com/showroom/biogas-balloon_2.html?spm=a2700.7724857.0.0.57b51168hhL1H9 https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/High-Quality-Leak-proof-Household-Foldable_1601160031151.html?spm=a2700.7724857.0.0.57b51168hhL1H9 – From about £30 Notes: https://energypedia.info/wiki/Electricity_Generation_from_Biogas a macerator is a […]